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At Sato Pharmaceutical, our range of Japanese whitening skincare products,
pills and supplements can be taken to combat sun damage, reduce wrinkles and
provide the essential vitamins for skin health.

Common Skin Whitening Myths

Skin tone whitening has become a popular trend all around the world. People are buying products, trying home remedies, and getting treatments done to get that red-carpet-worthy radiant skin. However, this has also caused them to believe in many false promises and skin myths.

That is why we are going to debunk the top skin-whitening myths in this post and tell you their actual realities.

The following are some skin tone whitening myths responsible for misleading people:

1. Fair Skin Is Equal to Healthy Skin

One of the most common misconceptions is that only fair skin is beautiful and healthy. This is not true because the colour of your complexion does not define either of those things. Instead, unhealthy skin is by things like rashes, dark spots, acne, etc. To protect yourself from these symptoms, use sunscreen, eat well, and wash your face 2 times a day.

2. Fairness Creams Will Make Skin Whiter in 1 Day

Fairness creams will not make anyone’s skin whiter in a single day. They usually require a few weeks of regular use. It is important to note that these creams will not affect all users in the same way. For certain skin types, the results can be quicker than for others.

3. Natural Ingredients Are Always Better Than Skin-Whitening Supplements

While natural ingredients and foods are great for skin whitening, they take time to show effect. That is why we always recommend taking some potent vitamin C supplements as well to quicken up the process. You may like to try Hakubi White C Drink and the Hakubi White C Tablets.

4. Using Skin Whitening Products Means You Do Not Need Sunscreen

Skin tone whitening products are not a replacement for sunscreen. Both have different purposes. While sunscreen protects you from potential darkening caused by the sun, whitening products work to reverse this damage. By skipping sunscreen, you will just be exposing your skin to recurring damage like skin cancer, pigmentation, sunburn, etc.


The following are some additional questions about skin whitening that you may have:

Is it possible to whiten skin naturally?

Yes, eating anti-oxidant-rich foods like strawberries and tomatoes can help with natural skin tone whitening. Organic masks with ingredients like yoghurt, aloe vera and honey also work great.

Does milk whiten skin?

No, this is a very popular myth because milk contains vitamin D and lactic acid. However, these ingredients will only help you with dark spots, not skin whitening.

What does it mean to have fair skin?

Skin which is light in colour due to low melanin production is typically referred to as fair skin. The complexion of such people is usually pale and extra sensitive to the sun.


Whitening your skin with the right diet and products is possible. However, it is important not to believe the above-mentioned myths that businesses claim to be true to increase sales.

Instead, opt for reliable and effective skin-whitening products by Sato Healthcare Innovation. We are a leading healthcare company known for helping customers achieve their dream skin goals. Our wide range of products can even help you with ageing issues like wrinkles, dark spots and fine lines.