It’s no secret that modern women in Singapore and across the globe are continuously in the pursuit of blemish-free, porcelain-clear skin. At the core sits a desire to look and feel their best. After all, our skin is the largest organ of our body, and it’s a big deal – we live in it.
Every day, women shell out tons of cash on cult products and skincare superstars in hopes to find that one holy grail. Sure, having a good skincare regimen does matter – we’re not going to underestimate the power of one. But more often than not, many fail to realise that healthy, glowing skin takes more than just slathering on some creams and serums. Your lifestyle, too, can have a profound effect on the way your skin looks. Little things like being in control of your diet and giving your skin the fuel it needs to recharge can amount up to so much more. As the adage goes, “beauty starts from the within”.
So if you’re constantly scouring through the internet for ways to achieve healthy skin, here are 5 simple lifestyle changes you need to make. Right away.
1. Don’t Just Rely on Sunscreen for Sun Protection
We all know that ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays emitted from the sun are harmful to our skin. Hands down, they are the biggest culprits that leave you vulnerable to premature signs of skin ageing like wrinkles, spots, freckles and pigmentations. If you’re residing in a city where it’s summer all year round (like Singapore), adequate sun protection is imperative. Though mandatory, it doesn’t stop at sunscreen. Increase your skin’s ability to stand up to the UV rays by supercharging your diet with skin-healthy foods rich in powerful antioxidants. Think tomatoes, green tea, carrots and leafy greens.
Of course, that’s not all you can do to prevent blemishes. Vitamin supplements can also help with cell regeneration and to promote better skin health on a cellular level. Take our Hakubi White C Drink and Hakubi White C Tablets for instance. Formulated with high content of L-Cysteine and Vitamin C, the ingredients work together to significantly suppress the production of melanin triggered by sunlight. Not to mention, they also contain antioxidant properties to help you achieve that fair skin and natural glow.
2. Never Skimp on Sleep
Beauty sleep is a real thing. Ensuring that you get an adequate amount of sleep is something that we cannot emphasise enough. Believe it or not, sleep deprivation can really wreak havoc on your skin. Exacerbated acne problems, dark circles and lacklustre skin are just some of the tell-tale signs. As a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended to get minimally 8 hours of sleep every day.
3. Hydration is Key
Is your skin looking dry, flaky and dull? If so, it might be time to listen to what your body needs and bottoms up. The most basic (but often overlooked) step of skincare is to drink tons of water. Your skin needs water for moisture, strength and elasticity. On top of that, water also helps to flush out any unwanted toxins and impurities.
That is not all! You can also consider investing in beauty supplements like Hakubi B Tablets. Known as a powerhouse that’s rich in Coax seed extract, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6 and L-Cysteine, Hakubi B Tablets promote moist, supple and baby-smooth skin and effectively hydrates your skin from inside-out.
4. Stay Active
Can exercising improve your skin health? It’s a resounding yes from us. Exercising improves heart rate and blood circulation – increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to your working cells (including your skin) while releasing toxins and free radicals from your system. There’s no simple way around it – if you want healthy-looking skin, you need to get up and get your heart pumping.
5. Be Mindful of What You Put Into Your Body
Ever heard of the saying, “you are what you eat”? True enough, the food you consume daily influences every cell in your body, including the skin. Ditch the processed foods, junk foods and alcohol and nourish your body with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.
All in all, small lifestyle changes can go a long way. Take these steps, and achieving healthy, supple skin will no longer sound like a distant dream. Who knows – the results might be more dramatic than you would have anticipated.